Catching the Next Wave

S8.E7. Bernt Meerbeek. Balancing Intuition With Data

Episode Summary

Is data and testing always the best path? Or is intuition sometimes helpful in making design decisions? We talk about it with Bernt Meerbeeek, the Product Owner for IoT solutions and the R&D Manager for UX and Living Labs at Signify. We chat about personality in robotic vacuum cleaners, a cat that speaks human and whether people are willing to give away their control to be emerged into the Internet of Things. We also talk about how being a researcher helps to be an intuitive manager for innovation teams.

Episode Notes

Is data and testing always the best path? Or is intuition sometimes helpful in making design decisions? We talk about it with Bernt Meerbeeek, the Product Owner for IoT solutions, and the R&D Manager for UX and Living Labs at Signify. We chat about personality in robotic vacuum cleaners, a cat that speaks human, and whether people are willing to give away their control to be emerged into the Internet of Things. We also talk about how being a researcher helps to be an intuitive manager for innovation teams.


Peripheral interaction” by Saskia Bakker

Humankind: a hopeful history” by Rutger Bregman